4 Kingdoms

Bryn's Records

Quest Lore

During the two years Bryn spent in Salsorme, he recorded the comings and goings of the party members and their associates. Although his information is detailed and extensive, there was fortunately nothing to indicate that he had sensitive, insider information.

He also recorded the details of his own gruesome, necromatic experiments and research. Several murders and missing persons cases were solved as a result.

An entry dated 23rd October 1589, says…

The pin is found! It is found. Amok and his cronies have triumphed again. By the spear of my master, these Chalan are blind fools. The witch is long gone. Though I yearn to fetch it and hold it in my hand, we must let it remain obscure until the time is right.

ZKs piece is safe at Granfordir. The Chalan have not discovered the ceremony to unlock and even if they do, I doubt they would have the stomach to use it.

The diamond is lost in the desert land beyond the wit of the Chalan to recover. The moon cult can be led to retrieve it when the time is nigh but that will be the work of another servant. The others are west and beyond the veil. West will be harder.

An entry dated 2nd May 1590 (only a few days before the records were recovered), says…

I believe the Chalan, curse them, are near to finding Torlich. Too bad they destroyed the Orb, that will make things difficult for them. What idiots they are. By my reckoning it has been 7 weeks, barely time to grow a decent beard. I can only wonder what they will find, coming and going! It will be vital to follow them - intolerable if they obtain Bael's staff as well. Another job for the kith-killer I think.